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Empower Your Space, Master the LIGHT 


The aim of the project is to create a non-denominational chapel on Farmingdale State College's campus that serves as a deeply spiritual place for people of all faiths to worship and contemplate life's experiences. To achieve this, the college believes that the creative manipulation of light is key. The project focuses on finding innovative ways to control the entry of light into the chapel, while also addressing the potential clash between the constructed and natural surroundings. By studying the existing campus site, seasonal light patterns, and angles, a solution has been developed. The analysis has influenced decisions regarding the placement of the chapel on the site, as well as its orientation and design.

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Le Corbusier, a renowned architect, effectively controls light in The Palace of Assembly, through various design elements and strategies. 

The building features a series of large, horizontal windows that allow ample natural light to enter the interior spaces. These windows are strategically placed to prevent direct sunlight from entering the assembly hall, ensuring a comfortable and well-lit environment for the occupants.

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Le Corbusier incorporates smaller, vertically oriented windows on the sides of the assembly hall. These windows not only provide controlled natural light but also offer panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

The Palace of Assembly also features a central lightwell, known as the 'Secretariat Lightwell,' which acts as a light source and provides natural illumination to the surrounding corridors and offices. 

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Through these thoughtful design elements, Le Corbusier demonstrates his mastery in controlling light within The Palace of Assembly. His strategic placement of windows, incorporation of sunbreakers, and the use of a central lightwell create a harmonious balance between natural and artificial light, enhancing the overall aesthetic and functionality of the building.

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Inspiration from Le Corbusier's chapel of Notre Dame du Haut

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Inspiration from Louis Kahn by The Exeter library

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Inspiration from Sant' Andrea Al Quirinale by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

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